Definitions of theft on the Web:

the act of taking something from someone unlawfully; "the thieving is awful at Kennedy International"

The wrongful taking of the property of another. It is a broad term and includes larceny, pilfering, hold-up, robbery and pick-pocketing.

The act of stealing. For example, claiming travel-allowance from two sources for the same trip.

Any act of stealing, including robbery and burglary.

– Any act of stealing. Theft includes larceny, burglary and robbery.

(Vol) The wrongful taking of the property of another. Any act of stealing, including larceny, pilfering, robbery or burglary.

any act of stealing.

Crime. The act of stealing. It includes such acts are larceny, burglary, and robbery.

Unlawful taking of money, securities, or other property to the deprivation of the insured; includes burglary, robbery. See also Burglary; Robbery.,6064,228178-,00.html

The willful taking of one person’s property by another, wrongfully. To recover indemnity, an intent permanently to deprive the owner of his/her property need not be established for there to be a theft under the policy.

This is the common word for "acts of stealing." There is no precise meaning in law.

This is a common word for "act of stealing." There is no precise meaning in law.

Theft Act 1968, s.1 (1) "A person is guilty of theft if he dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it; and thief and steal shall be construed accordingly.

Punished by restitution, the proportions of which are noted in 2 Sam. 12:6. If the thief could not pay the fine, he was to be sold to a Hebrew master till he could pay (Ex. 22:1-4). A night-thief might be smitten till he died, and there would be no blood-guiltiness for him (22:2). A man-stealer was to be put to death (21:16). All theft is forbidden (Ex. 20:15; 21:16; Lev. 19:11; Deut. 5:19; 24:7; Ps. 50:18; Zech. 5:3; Matt. 19:18; Rom. 13:9; Eph. 4:28; 1 Pet. 4:15).

In Crime Insurance, a broad term encompassing any unlawful taking of property, including burglary and robbery. Usually excludes employee dishonesty and mysterious disappearance.

When the vehicle has been taken without your consent or knowledge.

Including attempted theft and loss of property from a known place when it is likely that the property has been stolen. This peril does not include loss caused by theft: (a) committed by the insured; (b) in or to a dwelling under construction, or of materials and supplies for use in the construction until the dwelling is finished and occupied; or (c) from that part of a residence premises rented by an insured to other than an insured. This peril does not include loss caused by theft that occurs off the residence premises of: (a) property while at any other residence owned by, rented to or occupied by an insured. except while an insured is temporarily living there. Property of a student who is an insured is covered while at a residence away from home of the students had been there at any time during the 45 days immediately before the loss; (b) watercraft, and their furnishings, equipment and outboard engines or motors; or (c) trailers and campers.

Loss of something of value due to a dishonest act. Last Updated: 4/17/97 Send Comments to Return to the Retailer Education Project

Any act of stealing, including burglary, robbery and larceny.

Definitions of slander on the Web:

words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another

an abusive attack on a person's character or good name

charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone; "The journalists have defamed me!" "The article in the paper sullied my reputation"

False and defamatory spoken words tending to harm another's reputation, business, or means of livelihood. Slanderis spoken defamation; libel is published.

A spoken statement about someone which is personally injurious to the individual. See also Defamation. (LE)

Defamatory spoken words tending to prejudice another in reputation, business or means of livelihood. "Libel" and "slander" both are methods of defamation, the former being expressed by print, writings, pictures or signs; the latter orally.

Base and defamatory spoken words tending to prejudice another in his reputation, business or means of livelihood. "Libel" and "slander" both are methods of defamation, the former being expressed by print, writings, pictures or signs the latter orally.

In the situation described in paragraph (4) of subsection (a) of this Code section, special damage is essential to support an action; in the situations described in paragraphs (1) through (3) of subsection (a) of this Code section, damage is inferred.

The oral utterance or spreading of falsehood harmful to another's reputation. Libel is written; slander is spoken.

The oral utterance or spreading of false information which damages a person’s reputation.

– 1. Law. Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation. 2. A false tale or report maliciously uttered, tending to injure the reputation of another; the malicious utterance of defamatory reports; the dissemination of malicious tales or suggestions to the injury of another.

Spoken defamation which tends to injure a person's reputation. (See libel.)

Legal. A spoken statement about someone which is personally injurious to the individual. See also Defamation.

Attributing to a person faults which he or she does not have; a violation of the obligations of justice and charity, for which restitution is due.

Oral defamation.

(Diffamation verbale) The oral utterance or spreading of a falsehood harmful to another’s reputation.

A malicious and false statement ment to defame character (audible).

Defamatory oral statements or gestures.

to speak base and defamatory words tending to harm another's reputation, business or means of livelihood.

The publication of defamatory material in a non permanent form eg: by speaking •Things People Say

In law, a false defamation (expressed in spoken words, signs, or gestures) which injures the character or reputation of the person defamed; distinguished from libel.

A spoken statement about someone which is personally injurious to the individual. See also Defamation.

malicious talk

Slander consists only of knowingly publishing falsehoods as fact with intent to harm.

Defamation, false words that will damage someone's reputation.

verbal or spoken defamation

The oral utterance or spreading of falsehood harmful to another's reputation. Libel is written; slander is spoken. top

Spoken defamation conveying an unfavorable impression about an individual and harming that person’s reputation.

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